Lefteris Paraskevas

Lefteris Paraskevas


Post MSc
Software Engineer at NCR Corporation


Currently, I am a Software Engineer at NCR Corporation in Thessaloniki, Greece. I hold a BSc degree from Computer Science Dept. of AUTh and a MSc degree on Information, Data and Software Technologies of the same university.

During the past years I have worked with Professor Athena Vakali on Data Mining and Information Retrieval techniques on the Social Web. UECA tool (User Evolving Communities Analysis) and EvS (Event detection Via Sentiment analysis) are my main two contributions to the lab.

If you are interested in extending these tools or need any information about them, feel free to contact me at lefteris.paraskevas[at]hotmail.com.


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Location & Contact

Department of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki GR-54124

t  | (+30) 2310 998415
e | oswinds@csd.auth.gr