Mani-Web: Large-Scale Web Graph Embedding via Laplacian Eigenmap Approximation

TitleMani-Web: Large-Scale Web Graph Embedding via Laplacian Eigenmap Approximation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012

The Web as a graph can be embedded in a lowdimensionalspace where its geometry can be visualized and studiedin order to mine interesting patterns such as web communities.The existing algorithms operate on small-to-medium-scalegraphs; thus, we propose a close to linear time algorithm calledMani-Web suitable for large-scale graphs. The result is similarto the one produced by the manifold-learning technique Laplacianeigenmap that is tested on artificial manifolds and real webgraphs.Mani-Web can also be used as a general-purpose manifoldlearning/dimensionality-reductiontechnique as long as the datacan be represented as a graph.


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Department of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki GR-54124

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