Information analysis in mobile social networks for added-value services

TitleInformation analysis in mobile social networks for added-value services
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsVakali, Athena, and Christos Zigkolis

The emerging evolution of technology has changed the role of mobile phones which apart from beingcommunication devices are also powerful devices for uploading and consuming content. This fact poses newchallenges for the mobile industry, which needs to develop and adapt useful and appealing services for theusers in order to enhance the role of the mobile phone as a mainstream device. Adopting and using mobilesocial networks sites and other Web 2.0 services is expected to be inline with such a mobile technologytrend. Current mobile web technologies offer a computer-like user-experience since a user can easilygenerate and share digital content from his/her mobile. However, current services and applications do notinclude techniques for analyzing this mass user-generated input (e.g. content, annotations), user interactions(e.g. ranking) and social interactions (e.g. relationships). Knowledge extracted from this massive usercontribution and interaction can offer personalized added-value services enabling more efficient mobileusage. Our goal is to outline this information analysis gaps in existing services and going one step further tosuggest possible solutions. Aiming at social networks we discuss novel methods for analyzing users’ actionsand modeling users’ social relationships. The goal from these suggestions is to extract the underlyingknowledge from users’ tagging activities, users’ generated content and users’ social relationships within asocial network. We present our points with indicative example services.

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