LRU-based Algorithms for Web Cache Replacement

TitleLRU-based Algorithms for Web Cache Replacement
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsVakali, Athena
EditorBauknecht, Kurt, Sanjay Kumar Madria, and Günther Pernul
Book TitleEC-Web
ISBN Number3-540-67981-2
KeywordsCache consistency, Cache replacement algorithms, Web caching and proxies, Web-based information systems

Caching has been introduced and applied in prototype andcommercial Web-based information systems in order to reduce the overallbandwidth and increase system’s fault tolerance. This paper presents atrack of Web cache replacement algorithms based on the Least RecentlyUsed (LRU) idea. We propose an extension to the conventional LRUalgorithm by considering the number of references to Web objects as acritical parameter for the cache content replacement. The proposed algorithmsare validated and experimented under Web cache traces providedby a major Squid proxy cache server installation environment. Cache andbytes hit rates are reported showing that the proposed cache replacementalgorithms improve cache content.

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