XML-Based Revocation and Delegation in a Distributed Environment

TitleXML-Based Revocation and Delegation in a Distributed Environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005

The rapid increase on the circulation of data over the web has highlightedthe need for distributed storage of Internet-accessible information due tothe rapid increase on the circulation of data over the web. Thus, access controlmechanisms should also be distributed in order to protect them effectively. A recentidea in the access control theory is the delegation and revocation of rights,i.e. the passing over of one clients rights to the other and vice versa. Here, wepropose an XML-based distributed delegation module which can be integratedinto a distributed role-based access control mechanism protecting networks. Theidea of X.509v3 certificates is used for the transfer of authorization informationreferring to a client. The modules are XML-based and all of the associated datastructures are expressed through Document Type Definitions (DTDs).


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