The Djokovic Case

On January the 18th 2016, Djokovic revealed that some years ago he was approached indirectly with a £100,000 offer in order to lose a match. The revealed scandal provoked a storm of reactions from the other tennis players, news agencies as well as the social media, where there was an burst of users expressing their opinions regarding Djokovic, match fixing and other related topics.

Query Words: Djokovic Novak fixing betting corruption scam gambling fraud illegal suspicious manipulation integrity

Tweets per Day

Contains the count of tweets submitted every day during the researching period.

Sentiment per Month

Contains information about the scores of six basic sentiments (Anger, Disgust, Fear, Joy, Sadness & Surprise), on each month.



105.188 distinct tweets


198 distinct Youtube comments


1.901 distinct users


2.639 distinct words

18/01/2016 to 30/04/2016

The time frame of the data is 4 months

Sentiment: Disgust

The overall score of our sentiment analysis indicated the main sentiment of the users was Disgust.

Most Frequent Words

# Word Frequency
1 djokovic 68231
2 novak 45063
3 federer 11697
4 open 10444
5 de 9593
6 murray 8795
7 tennis 8477
8 australian 8368
9 ausopen 7839
10 en 7273

Contains the most frequent distinct words as extracted from the final data during the researching period.

Most Frequent Hashtags

Contains the most frequent distinct hashtags as extracted from the final data. The table shows the top10 of the hashtags along with their frequencies.

# Word Frequency
1 #AusOpen 7602
2 #Djokovic 4817
3 #tennis 3055
4 #AustralianOpen 1383
5 #Federer 829
6 #BATB 588
7 #NovakDjokovic 564
8 #Tenis 538
9 #AusOpenpic 520
10 #News 501

Most Frequent Users & Mentions / Location Map

The bubble chart contains the most frequent users that tweeted about the event, the tagcloud contains the most frequent mentions included in the tweets and the choropleth map shows the locations that interacted with the tweet.

# Word Frequency
1 @knovak832_novak 1468
2 @smiley2410 1032
3 @LeeRock 992
4 @AustralianOpen 897
5 @DjokerNole 846
6 @beastieaw 814
7 @YouTube 788
8 @Annepappas22 644
9 @monachris 597
10 @zelly309 563
# Word Frequency
1 @world_tennis 36
2 @Bettingbonus4u 17
3 @l5iza 14
4 @bet_seek 12
5 @Media_Novak_ 12
6 @livetennis 11
7 @UK_Tennis_News 10
8 @metanoik 8
9 @CorbettSports 7
10 @aunewse 7