The Taboga Case
In November 2013, Dominique Taboga claimed he was blackmailed by former Kapfenberger teammate Sanel Kuljić to fix matches forcing Kuljić to be taken into police custody. A few days later Taboga admitted that he tried to convince four other players to manipulate a match during season 2012/13. Taboga was eventually banned for life from playing, refereeing, club official, and player agent.
Query Words: Taboga Dominique fixing betting corruption scam gambling fraud illegal suspicious manipulation integrity
Tweets per Day
Contains the count of tweets submitted every day during the researching period.
Sentiment per Month
Contains information about the scores of six basic sentiments (Anger, Disgust, Fear, Joy, Sadness & Surprise), on each month.
338 distinct tweets
210 distinct users
1.388 distinct words
04/11/2013 to 13/01/2017
The time frame of the data is 3 years 2 months
Sentiment: Fear
The overall score of our sentiment analysis indicated the main sentiment of the users was Fear.
Most Frequent Words
# | Word | Frequency |
1 | taboga | 366 |
2 | dominique | 280 |
3 | dig | 102 |
4 | wettskandal | 54 |
5 | von | 40 |
6 | die | 38 |
7 | manipulation | 37 |
8 | ball | 31 |
9 | den | 31 |
10 | kuljic | 30 |
Contains the most frequent distinct words as extracted from the final data during the researching period.
Most Frequent Hashtags
Contains the most frequent distinct hashtags as extracted from the final data. The table shows the top10 of the hashtags along with their frequencies.
# | Word | Frequency |
1 | #taboga | 87 |
2 | #wettskandal | 25 |
3 | #gr | 15 |
4 | #kuljic | 12 |
5 | #ssnhd | 10 |
6 | #svgr | 8 |
7 | #fu | 7 |
8 | #Football | 5 |
9 | #kooora | 4 |
10 | #Austria | 4 |
Most Frequent Users & Mentions
The bubble chart contains the most frequent users that tweeted about the event and the tagcloud contains the most frequent mentions included in the tweets.
# | Word | Frequency |
1 | @egothVerlag | 13 |
2 | @weltfussballAT | 10 |
3 | @sportnetfussb | 9 |
4 | @SkySportAustria | 9 |
5 | @SchnitzelSoccer | 8 |
6 | @salzburg_com | 7 |
7 | @Salzburg24 | 7 |
8 | @LukasMatzinger | 6 |
9 | @sportreport_biz | 6 |
10 | @TTNachrichten | 5 |

# | Word | Frequency |
1 | @Untersbergarena | 5 |
2 | @SkySportNewsHD | 4 |
3 | @ServusTV | 3 |
4 | @DiePresse_Spo | 3 |
5 | @OEFBL | 2 |
6 | @FLECKL | 2 |
7 | @sportStandardat | 2 |